We have been in printing and promotions market since 2006.

Our company began to offer services to you by gathering our experince and know-how under the X-Tra Projects brand which was started in 2008.

Our goal is to give better service to our customers all around the world and chiefly in European countries,to offer quality and what is most important,to maintain the customers satisfaction sustainable.

Right choices which you made in right time and in right place establish a connection between you and your customers which is based on satisfaction. The main point is where we stand; because we are the right choice between you and your customers.

Gathering our creativity concept, the variety in our product range, business ethics based on quality and delivery on time principles, the satisfaction of you and your customers will reflect the service we provide.

We know what we have to do in this business. Let’s walk on together.


+90 (212) 327 61 54